Sabtu, Januari 14, 2012

Software Computer Real Player

Software Computer Real Player

hai semua sobat-sobat ku dimanapun kalian berada. Gimana kabar hari ini? mudah-mudahan sehat semua ya? amin.
Baiklah, pada postingan sebelumnya kita telah membahas sebuah software computer pemutar audio n video yaitu winamp , dan pada postingan kali ini pun kita akan membahas sebuah software computer pemutar audio n video.

yang saya maksud adalah Real Player. Real Player adalah software computer multimedia saat ini yang sering dibutuhklan untuk segala jenis format, baik audio maupun video. Real Player merupakan salah satu sotware computer all-in-one yang dapat memutar beragam digital media, beberapa fitur utama Real Player adalah radio online yang dapat didengar kurang lebih dari 5.200 stasiun musik seluruh dunia. software computer ini mendukung hampir seluruh format media utama, meliputi quicktime MPEG-4, WINDOWS MEDIA, dan DVD. Selain itu, tersedia juga fitur turbo play yang dapat meningkat proses streaming sehingga mempercepat loading klip video anda.

Waaaawww, keren banget software computer yang satu ini, rugi kalau sotware computer ini tidak terinstal di computer kita,
Jika para sobat ingin download softare computer Real Player ini klik aja dibawah ini

Jumat, Januari 13, 2012

software computer Winamp

software computer Winamp

siapa yang tidak kenal dengan software computer pemutar musik yang ringan dan gratisan ini. Winamp merupakan program player MP3 yang sangat digemari para pengguna komputer. Selain dapat mendengarkan musik, program ini juga dapa digunakan untuk menyetel video. dalam versi terbaru ini, program ini juga dilengkapi dengan ciri-ciri webnya yang tersendiri supaya lebih memudahkan pengguna.

Rabu, Januari 11, 2012

Software Computer FileDoggy 1.1.6

If you are too busy to check the latest version of the software installed on your computer, you can submit the task at FileDoggy. FileDoggy 1.1.6 is a website that provides the latest versions of free software commonly used. Software computer will compare the software version installed on your computer with the latest version of the server FileDoggy.

If you want to download software computer FileDoggy please click here download.

Software Computer BUMB3R 1.0.93

BUMB3R 1.0.93
BUMB3R 1.0.93 is one of the software computer that can be used to create backups of CD audio into a single file is intact. In fact, this BUMP3R software computer can also store audio-books from several CD into one MP3 file only. From MP3 files, you can track me everywhere restor with export and recording features are integrated. You can embed Artwork CD so that files can be recognized easily.

If you want to download software computer BUMP3R 1.0.93 download this please click here.

Selasa, Januari 10, 2012

software computer FolderMerge 0.1

This is a software computer FolderMerge 0.1 This is a simple to use. The main functions of software computer FolderMerge 0.1 is to combine the two folders into one. You only need to specify the target folder and target folder and select the folder where you are defended. Thus, you all do not have to bother to move to move the file and delete the folder that was empty. software computer FolderMerge 0.1 This, mengomparasi folders based on date of last edit, last access date, creation date of the last, and the file size.

Download this Software computer FolderMerge 0.1 download

Free File Camouflage 0.2c

Free File  Camouflage 0.2c

Got confused hide confidential files but where?
Hide it in the picture with JPEG format. It's easy, you simply open the software computer Free File Camouflage 0.2c , select the desired file, select the images to be used as a storage location, then click the "Camouflage"! Your files will be safely concealed. To extract the hidden file, you still need to use computer software is Free File Camouflage 0.2c. 
Download software computer  Free File Camouflage 0.2c download

Software Computer FTalk

Software Computer FTalk is Facebook chat client for the computer, a lightweight and easy to use. With this software computer, you all can communicate with Facebook friends without need to access the web page up. That is, you can chat in the office without seeing are playing up. Yahoo! Messenger is already offers integration with Facebook chat. However, software computer fTalk this could be an attractive option because of its design and simple function.
Download Computer Software fTalk here   download

Senin, Januari 09, 2012

Software Computer DVD SlideShow GUI

You all must have a collection of photographs, be it a collection of photos of family, friends, girlfriends, and your collection is probably very much, maybe it's time you move the collection of your photos into DVD. DVD Slide show GUI is the solution of all that. DVD Slideshow GUI is one of the software computer that provides an easy and fast way to create a perfect photo slide. There is only need to import images, export a DVD image (. Iso) and burn it into DVD.

software computer like DVD Slideshow GUI is installed on your computer click here to download

Software Computer download DVD SlideShow GUI

Software Computer Don't Sleep 2.43

Software Computer Don't Sleep 2.43

Your computer often shutdown, restart, or maybe hibernate by itself, when you're working on a job or being menonoton flim cried. Indeed, you can adjust the settings to avoid this happening. However, computer software is a solution that is easier and effective for you. Do not sleep 2:43 computer software provides easy access to block shut down, hibernate, log off, or screen saver though.

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