Senin, Desember 26, 2011

ACDSee Photo Editor

ACDSee Photo Editor is a free computer or a new program that is used to manage the image. this software computer has features to manage such slideshowdengan image transition effects, which vary. Additionally, ACDSee Photo Editor also has the facility to create a screensaver which in combination by combining multiple images into one.

ACDSee Photo Editor is able to process your photos to be interesting. software computer is equipped with a number of functions, which curves to adjust curves, sharp management with ICC and ICM color selection of 2.2, as well as the ability to zoom in or zoom out your photos. You can use the Photo Correction Wizard to determine common problems, such as lighting levels and rotation of images or photos. there are many other functions of this computer software, such as Manual Blur, Clone, Sheet Metal, Pencil Drawing and Oil Paint.

download software computer ACDSee Photo Editor

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